Calorie Cut

If you want to keep your ideal figure, you have to avoid the extra calorie absorption first! 1 pack of Calorie Cut before meals can help to fight against the caloric impact of carbs and fat. Calorie Cut is suitable for those who eat out regularly but seldom exercise; or those who have an appetite for sweet and fatty food while desiring a healthy figure.

Benefit : The upgraded formula (Japanese Patent no. 6633173) of Camellia Flower Extract, Mulberry Leaf Extract and Chitosan, that work together with Black Ginger Extract for better management of calories. For better results, take FANCL Fat Burner after meals to enhance the fat-burning power.
Size : 30 packs (3 tablets per pack)
Ingredient : Active Ingredients (per pack): Mulberry Leaf Extract (250mg), Chitosan (crustacean product) (100mg), Camellia Flower Extract (100mg), Black Ginger Extract (150mg)
How to Use : Take 1 pack before a meal